I hope this is the right kind of thing to post here. Basically, a few years ago I started following a girl on social media. When her life took a really weird turn I started taking screenshots to document it. I don’t even really know why. I didn’t know her in real life. I’d come across her randomly on YouTube (she had a vlog for a while.) The content she was posting just got so bizarre. I can’t post the actual screenshots here, so I’ve typed out most of the relevant messages. NOTE: It’s all accurate except for one instance when I took out someone else’s username.
So like some random sent me a link to a band on bandcamp called judys tomorrow and their lead singer sounds exactly like me, weird right?
Apparently theyre from canada and theyve been around for like six years
They have three albums but its all indie stuff so i dont listen to that stuff so thats probably why ive never heard of them
Anyone heard of them before?
Its actually really freaky how much the singer sounds like me. I mean i dont listen to myself all the time or anything but im kind of used to how my voice sounds because of my lifestyle vlogs and she sounds like exactly like me…
So I played some of their songs for chris and my mom and theyre both like “jude this sounds exactly like you!!!” and im like “i know right?”
WTF!! jt has a new song called “mirror mirror” where the singer says “i know right” and its actually me saying “i know right”, like actually my fn voice
I get it, its a joke. haha very funny chris. my stepdad has a really fd up sense of humor
I know you were recording me chris
I appreciate all the messages guys, but i dont mean he like records me records me, but just he must have been recording me then
Chris says it wasnt him but i dont believe him
Hey are any of guys like not able to say certain stuff?
I dont mean not allowed to say them like the n word but like cant physically say them bcz you know whats fd? like really really fd… i cant say “i know right”, i cant say those words AT ALL, i can write them but when i open my mouth literally nothing comes out
No we never
Sorry that last message was just a reply to someone didnt mean to post it
I can say “I” and “know” and “right” but not together
OK now im totally freaking out because theres way more i cant say. i tried telling someone “i love you” and couldnt
So “i love you” is another lyric in a jt song this one called “slut”
Seriously dont know what to do guys. I cant say any of the lyrics to “slut”, like nothing they sing i can say. I cant say anythin in “mirror mirror” either
I think im having a mental health
So had a huge meltdown with chris. We were together and i accused him of a doing a bunch of stuff including spying on me and he denied it and i think my mom overheard and now its this big thing
Thanks to the friend (you know who you are) who told me to reach out to bandcamp and ask about judys tomorrow
Bandcamp said jt is legit and theyve been on the site for six years but they dont have any more info other than whats on the band page
Bandcamp got me in touch with the company that owns jt
I wrote them so well see what they say
There are so many things i cant say anymore. I want to say them but i cant something is seriously fd with me
Will the person who sent me all that stuff about trauma and ptsd please contact me i deleted your messages by accident
I keep listening to jt
So looks like jt company is ghosting me, no response at all maybe ill try the band directly
Mom and chris are fighting all the time and i hate it
They had their seven year anniversary this weekend and it was the absolute worst, like we all barely talked to each other
I cant stop
Jt sent me an email thanking me for my interest in the band but they wouldnt send me any pics of themselves
Theyre not on youtube, like what kind of band isnt on youtube?!
Jt has a new one out “last chance lullaby”
Mom is pissed at me for no reason again, im so gd sick of her shit im seriously thinking about moving out
You guys are the best but i would have a place to stay
Sorry for not posting for a while but life with a capital L. For everyone who knows me irl im doing OK, got a date for when im getting it done across the border (hes going to help pay) and for my virtuals thanks for all the support
Im having so many second thoughts. Im in a dark fn place right now
I feel empty
Do not listen to jts “scrape tape”!! PLEASE
Hows it even possible/?!
Sorry for all the cryptic shit lately but things are serious and im thinking of getting the police involved. I honestly dont know if im safe
Im trying to get bandcamp to take the jt page down. More soon
Massive thanks to [username] for pointing out that all jts lyrics were made up of stuff i said on my vlogs, like literally took the sound from the vlogs cut it up and put it to music for like six fkn years
Bandcamp page down. Copyrite
Chris left mom. He didnt even say good bye to me. Moms been crying all night and i dont know what to do. Ive never seen her like this before, shes always been so strong
Im seriously worried about mom bcz she stopped going out, going to work and like we how are we going to have any money?
Thanks guys. Appreciated
Mom finally went out, maybe things are getting better?
Its been two weeks. Chris is ghosting me
It was in my body in my fkn leg there was a mic under my gd skin!!! This is sooo fucked i cant even believe it, like who would even do that
Im so fkn scared and mad and
UPDATE: I showed mom and were going to the police tomorrow morning
UPDATE: Mom made dinner for us for the first time in weeks, she really does seem better and i missed her cooking. I wish i could tell her “i love you” but thats one of the things jt took from me 🙁
When I wake up tomorrow im going to take the first step in finding out who the psycho is who did all this to me
That’s the last message she ever posted. Her account’s still active but there’s been nothing new in years. I’ve read the whole thing dozens of times, and every time it gives me absolute chills…